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Businesses collect data every day. Whether you are a small or large business, you collect information about your customers, your products and services and your supplier and distribution networks. This results in massive treasure chests of invaluable information. However, these information treasure chests often remain un-tapped because many businesses lack the time or resources to mine their own data. We specialize in extracting new business knowledge from transactional data. Regardless of whether your data is contained in a single spreadsheet or whether it amasses several databases, we can unearth new patterns from it and display it in a way that it becomes more actionable. This can lead to better forecasts and more accurate decision making.  We provide a variety of services, ranging from consultation about optimal survey designs and best forecasting methods, to implementations and solutions such as interactive visualizations and executive dashboards. We also offer training and education on the most recent advancements in analytical methodologies and software packages such as R and SAS.

Executive Dashboards

Executive Dashboards are interactive visualizations of your business data. They are powerful tools that provide decision makers with customized and instantaneous information about their relevant processes and operations. We specialize in creating customized dashboards using the open-source software R. Using open-source software has a tremendous advantage, especially for small and medium-sized businesses, as dashboards can be designed and maintained at a fraction of the cost of other, large commerical software vendors. An example of such a dashboard can be found by following the link to the demo dashboard on the right. It shows an interactive visualization of utility data for 12 US states. The panel on the right hand side of that dashboard allows you to filter the data; the panel on the top allows you to select your measures of interest and to subset your data by different dimensions. Feel free to explore this dashboard and send us any feedback that you have.  

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